rife machine testimonials

My daughter swears by it for her asthma and her mother in law borrows it when her sinuses act up. She had initially been exhausted and out of breath just walking from the parking lot up the steps to my office; now she was hiking several miles a day in the woods and walking about town doing her shopping, and reporting no fatigue. A Rife machine is a device that delivers a low energy electromagnetic frequency into the body, usually through the hands or feet. I got started that very day and I haven't stopped. Rife based much of his ideas on the work Dr. Albert Abrams, another scientist who invented similar machines. Most of these claims are personal accounts. The cancer was spread throughout his entire digestive tract. But it's ALL about money! We have tried it on lots of patients with excellent results. Great health benefits can be attained by using LEDs, such as better eyesight and clearing up many skin condition. A friend told us if there's too much sugar in your system it can cause itching. With large lesions in the mouth, I had to use self-hypnosis to consume food and fluids. - R. Graves, FL (7-22-15), I had an excruciating pain in my back for about 2 weeks that the back pain program was not helping. Rife based his ideas on the work of another scientist, Albert Abrams, who believed diseases gave off electromagnetic frequencies. They started developing health problems which I was told was because of their advanced age. Thanks again, John & Stacey. Used my Rife 101 on it, using the Cancer, Cyst and Nerve Disorder programs. Spooky2 makes the difference. Later that day, I broke out in a sweat, just like a fever had just ended. For myself, I was having hip pain for a couple of years. The cancer was spread throughout his entire digestive tract. top of page. I never knew how fast their venom destroyed flesh. Hello Tina Rappaport, We purchased the Rife 101 about 1 year ago. We have not suffered with colds this year and my mom has not had problems with her lungs. A week later it was all gone. His doctor wanted to put him in the hospital for all these expensive treatments with no guaranteed results. He does look much better now but needs to order his own machine. - Rose H, PA (12/20/14). We were doing daily devotions and came to Proverbs 8:12 that read: "I, wisdom, dwell together with prudence, and find out knowledge of witty inventions. He treated me 3 more times before my husband and I decided to invest in our own. It's also helping my intestinal problems and I'm hoping I can avoid surgery on my large intestine. I have watched and took care of my step-father, father, father-in-law, grandmothers, and many friends through chemotherapy. Nothing worked. With 6 minutes, the whole body can be scanned. Daily checking of sugar levels are always normal. He did it on his frozen shoulder and it felt better right away after only one treatment, and that was it! Over the next two weeks I continued using the machine 3 times a week, and in 2 weeks, no problem - it was fixed. Spooky2 Success Story - Frequency Healing. I started seeing a difference after the 5th treatment with the Rife 101. L. Israel, FL 6-21-19), I have very severe Lyme Disease. My husband has also beat Lymes Disease and my children do not have to take antibiotics any longer for colds and flus. The cancer was still there after those treatments. I use this nightly to help treat my cancer. WebRife machines are generally thought to be safe, but we dont know for sure. Stiffness and joint aches seem to have eased up. He had a nurse come over to see how much better the wound area looked. They gave me cortisone shots into my S.I. One had kidney problems, one had joint problems and one was exhausted and weak. Then I got my legs wrapped up for the week. (Rife 101 user since 2009 - Pancreatic Cancer survivor!) TrueRife Buy A treatment was done with slight improvement in energy and overall well-being, but no improvement in central nervous system. He talked with me and stated that I should get the Rife machine as soon as possible. - R. Mathis, OK (6-29-18), My wife says that the Disk Program works wonders on her spine pain. Thanks! I have a friend that was having many health problems and offered to let him use my machine for a week. TrueRife has been on the leading edge of frequency delivery system innovation for almost 20 years. It seems like it melted away all my problems to "no big deal." It's a miracle, really. Wow! ('An ounce of prevention being worth a pound of cure'). He did the treatment because of mehe didn't want to put me thru it again so soon after losing my sister. The programs he used are: Phlebitis, Varicose Veins plus 1 and 2. - Lauryl L-K, MI (4/30/15), My husband and I run the setting once a month as a precaution. The lady remarked that she had slept better, could smell her coffee for the first time in years (she was an allergy sufferer) and no longer liked the taste of her cigarettes - an added advantage? Integrated Wave Phaser circuitry is unique and exclusive to TrueRife. It is also very beneficial to re-set normal cell frequencies. Swollen, stiff, week knees limited my walking mobility as well. The pain went away, and the infection was healing. In the meantime, thank you so much. I then had another CAT scan. (2013). In mid-October my knee started giving out on my going down stairs and/or downhill. I wanted to thank you for sending Mom the influenza program on New Years Eve! She was dying from kidney failure caused by a Staph infection. - Eilene T., PA (2/17/15). Cold, Flu, Arthritis, Sinus, Joint Inflammation: I'm loving my Rife 101 Energy Machine! Well, I have auto immune disease and you know what that means if I do two to three years of antibiotics. Disclaimer:Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. At the hospital, that day, they couldn't decide if the stroke was a bleeder or a blood clot. In the stomach, small intestine and large intestine. We'd tried every medication the doctors' prescribed AND everything you could get over the counter. I had outbreaks all over my body that made me wonder if I was using the right machine. This seems to hold the COPD at bay. I loaned "Albert" to a lady with breast cancer in June. In this video, Bob tells 3 big reasons why he chooses Spooky2 Rife machine. Love this, Rife! I've been SUFFERING with candida, mold and fungus and all related illnesses for 60 years. I did have radiation and chemotherapy, and I still had a lump on one side of my tonsils. With only 4 sessions, its improved to the best it has been! His nurse said no one else has these results so there is something I am doing. Stuttering & Fibromyalgia: I want to thank you for sending me the miracle machine. I did not really focus on them, though I did use the headaches setting sometimes. Subscribe. He didn't want to put me through it again so soon after losing my sister. I walked with a waddle and couldn't bend my knees. We got up to 79! I have long term Lyme disease and for the past year or more I've been investigating various treatments. COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) & Asthma: I praise God with all the help I've had from my Rife 101 Rife machine with Asthma. TrueRife Referral Program. Not only did I go to bed earlier, but I slept longer and more sound too - I only woke up once about 6 am to go to the bathroom. Again, totally in awe, and I'm the owner of this website and THE Rife 101 distributor! He used the Spooky2 Rife machine for 3 months and when he was tested again the cancer could not be found. Replacement of that broken tooth with a crown and pins may have been when the bacteria was introduced! I found out as the bacteria overgrows, they release toxins that attack the lining of the intestines, causing the condition of Clostridum difficilecolitis. TrueRife Referral Program. Spooky2 Success Story - Jim Adlington: Get Rid of Lyme Disease Successfully Using Spooky2. Bless you Tina Rappaport - you are an Earth Angel! There is no proof that the device can treat cancer or other diseases. I have no problems with this machine now! I've also used it for sore throats and it works. Thank you so very much for your immediate response yesterday to my request to be Read more The machine also helps with our aches and pains. I had Rheumatoid Arthritis so bad that I could hardly walk around the house let alone take a walk in the woods. Yes, I am a happy user. She was better that night and out dancing the next day! She just told you about my experience with the Rife 101 and Brown Recluse spider bites. The fact that I'm writing you is a testament to the machine! Love that machine. Keep up your good work and hope you are staying healthy and happy. So full of spunk, so affectionate, so smart so serious! ANIMAL TESTIMONIAL - Dog Arthritis, Cataracts, Dandruff, Anal Fistula, Tumors, Liver Function, Kidney Function: I just wanted to say HI, and let you know that we have used our Rife 101 machine to bring our beloved 13.5 year old dog back from the brink of death. - Janice O, KS (Oct 2008). I believe in this 150%. Usually it smells when it's removed, there's obvious swelling and the skin is real itchy. He says he feels better almost immediately upon finishing a session with the Rife 101. WebThe GB4000 Rife Machine is probably next in line. This RIFE machine will do a lot more than any doctor, faster, cheaper and no pain. My only hesitation in giving the Rife 101 full credit is that, for a day or two (and not overnight) I put a tight wrap around that elbow. (Rife 101 user since March 2013)- Bev H, AZ. That night I slept!!! Pain, Fibromyalgia, Asthma, Migraine Headaches, Eczema, Bruise (Hematoma), Heart Trouble, High Blood Pressure: My wife has been chronically ill for 36 years, using numerous pharmaceutical drugs continuously. I only had the two small spots and they never even really blistered. I couldn't believe it. She had one treatment on the herpes program and has never had an outbreak since - and that was a few years ago. I found him hiding under the porch. Using the machine at first did not do much for me but when I called the seller I was advised to use the machine more frequently, and that I should also try several programs that related to nerves and their functions. The American Cancer Society soon debunked their claims with a published study. Every night. We have been doing program #212 Enuresis/Bet Wetting and #197 Detoxification. The energy frequencies were just what I needed. Last medically reviewed on June 25, 2018. We also started Essiac Tea, vitamin C, enzymes, other supplements and we got a water ionizer. I was wearing sneakers, socks and jeans - I felt like something may have been crawling around near the back of my knee, so I rubbed my pants, thinking it was just an odd sensation. That meant no charge! My husband went thru hell 6 weeks of chemo & 7 weeks of radiation on the lung7 more weeks of radiation on the throatand in between all this he did his cancer treatment on the Rife 101 machine. I am sold!!! I have been feeling much better with the Lyme protocol you gave me for my Rife 101. Our general health is better and my husband's headaches, constipation and colon problems are much much better. My daughter uses it for cold sores and it has helped her. I really appreciate it. Thanks Nick. I had the shot administered, and the pain went away for 3-4 days and then returned. It was a huge help. It give me a lot of energy which is much better now than it was. I now use it for this once a week for prevention. - B. Kohl (NW, 2008). Most of these claims are personal accounts. Her whole arm was swollen from the hand up and all puffy like. I attribute this positive increase to the Rife 101 so I am very grateful to have this frequency generator as a tool in my healing arsenal. They used to own an alternative medicine place with migun beds and ionic foot baths. There is no evidence that Rife machines can treat cancer or any other disease. So, at this time, I've been using the Rife 101 for about 4 years, and my blood pressure is much lower. Candida and bloating gone. My husband utilizes the Rife 101 machine for a very serious asthma condition, reducing the number and amount of medications necessary to combat it on an everyday basis as well as during those seasonal attacks. It's gone and it's been gone three years now. The mammogram showed a mass in my right breast. The doctor cut away any other infected flesh too. I could literally feel my mood lifting during the first treatment. I am just so happy! They did an MRI the doctors couldn't believe that it wasn't there! My husband read a book about Royal Rife and decided to buy a frequency instrument for me. It pretty much went away in the sun, but then it came back. Shoulder Pain, Torn Ligaments, Torn Tendons, Sciatica: I'm so happy, the Rife 101 has helped so much in just a few short weeks. Meaning, we both could see that modern medicine was doing more damage than good with people, particularly those with chronic issues. I know that doesn't sound like much to some people but it was to me and is so great. Needless to say, dancing in a 63 year old body comes with its aches and pains. I felt relief with only one session, then it actually shrank more and more, becoming less red and inflamed as I continued to use the machine. My ulcer is gone. WebThe Rife machine was introduced in the early 1930s by Royal Raymond Rife, an inventor who maintained that all cancer is caused by bacteria and claimed that his machine could detect the microbes by the color of the auras they emitted. Our kitty would lay on the electrode pads and purr through the entire protocol. - Blessings, N.Miller, SC (12-12-19). The machine wiped out the pain! But when she found Spooky2 and run programs for herself, her condition was greatly relieved. I got my first machine 13 years ago and my husband laughed at me. That didnt stop some marketers from promoting the machine starting during the 1990s. There was a slight improvement when I quit all medication, but the eye was quite sore, and very bloodshot. - B. Farnholtz, TX (4/5/16) FEEL BETTER- drink By the next day, I had a huge improvement. I used the instrument almost everyday. Although she had not used the Rife101 machine specifically for the herpes problem, she reported that as a side effect of the treatment the herpes had disappeared and she has not had a recurrence over the past 8 months. I only used the Rife 101 and now I'm free of cancer. His PSA was .04 May 2016, then .08 Aug 16, then 1.1 Jan 2017. I don't remember what it's called - the cells get scraped off the cornea, and sometimes I go blind in one eye. It has actually SAVED his life! They threw pills at me that made me sick. Nothing else made a difference at all! I have had significant trouble walking for quite a long time. When they got to 60 she and her doctors were ecstatic because they had never been that high. It really truly works. ADDED 8-13-16 Seems like every time I do the eye program it gets better! Cheers, D.R., UT (10/14/09), I was a NYC firefighter, there at ground zero on 9/11. WebA rife machine unit that comes with light emitting diodes (LEDs) is a great feature. The side effects of traditional cancer treatments can significantly affect quality of life. These machines are for personal experimental purposes. I was as good as new! The first two times I didn't have the Rife 101. Even called the nurse in to come have a look. - D. Ables, VA 8/19/17. Eczema going away. (Except for H. pylori, associated with stomach cancer, no other bacterial cause of cancer is known.) He hooked up the electrodes and ran the Inflammation program for me and, I swear I experienced immediate relief. 2005 - 2023 WebMD LLC. - B. Carrique, VA 3-13-18. This means that the quality and construction of these machines can vary considerably. Sciatica, Ulcer, Candida, Bloating & Depression: In a short amount of time I no longer have sciatica. My objectives were met. I suspected maybe the back pain was really kidney pain, and the groin pain was prostate problems (prostatitis) because I had discomfort when urinating. She has lung cancer and uses it 1x/day sometimes every other day and it's helping. It's all helping my sciatica and veins! - JR #8168, TX (11-8-19), We just love the Rife 101. You're AWESOME!!! Wayne D (3/3/07). I got out my Rife Model 101 and, go figure, it has a LEPROSY program! Very advanced, using 10 precise frequencies in sweep mode. I have partially torn ligaments or tendons in my right shoulder and the doctor wanted to do surgery. My latest bloodwork looks like that of someone who has never had the disease PRAISE GOD! It was definitely a good investment. WebThe GB4000 is probably the most powerful but its clumsiness and difficulty to use pushes me to recommend the TrueRife as the superior machine. Sincerely, Vera G., IL. Alkalize, energize, detoxify, When they started developing a fungus problem he put the wires (no cylinders needed) at each end of the aquarium, used the Fungal Infection Program (#241) and cranked the machine up to full power. And thank you to my Rife technician, Bruce H., for allowing me to have my voice back again! My chiropractor recommended the Rife 101 and told me "you'll never come back to see me" and he was right. There also havent been any large, controlled clinical trials to evaluate Rife machines or similar devices. Additional 5 settings for you to enter your own desired therapy. Its found inside the center of an apricot stone. He told me that after only three treatments he felt remarkably better, and went ahead and purchased his own machine. WebWhat about the Beam Ray Rife Machine? Gail B (11-6-06), Hello, I had carcinoma in the last stage. I used the sticky pad electrodes. She took the time Saturday morning to check on all the possible shipping options and contacted me this morning personally to let me know the options, then sent me shipping confirmation before 10:30 this morning! The researchers carried out these experiments in test tubes, which is not the same as studies in animals or humans. Pins were worth a gamble, but kept the tooth live. The 2nd day I thought maybe a little better but not really thinking anything was working. (Rife 101 user since February 2013)- Bev H, AZ (1-14-15). I wish to point out that there are some areas where modern medical science and Rife's work appear to be converging. All of this is amazing, just amazing. - C. Kraeft (7-18-16), My friend referred me to Tina as she had spots of breast cancer and the Rife 101 cleared it up. You know, this condition can be inconvenient AND embarrassing, but with this wonderful Rife machine I'm able to get to the bathroom at my leisure with no accidents! I'm 85, vegan, organic and pretty healthy! I made the decision to purchase the RIFE 101 machine. I'm 77 now and I had fungal sinusitis, recurring bronchial problems - I got pneumonia real easy. He was reluctant but let his wife and daughter use it on him, along with some supplements and a high pH mineral drink through his feeding tube. It spread beyond the breast. Testimonials. I have tried all of the chelators DMSA + ALA, DMPS, EDTA, Cilantro, Chlorella, Garlic etc. Fred & Carriane (76 & 74 years young), TX. There have been some reports of electrical shocks and rashes. It was still red, warm and lumpy, but the itch was almost negligible. They found the MCL. - A. McKean, Australia 2/12/18, I use the Rife 101 to control my diabetes. I'm really impressed with this machine! All the way from cold sores to warts, infection, flu, colds, burns, prostate, inflammation, sore muscles, fatigue, back pain, etc. Thank you!! - C. Johnson, NC (9-12-19). I was having some problems with degenerative arthritis and experiencing a lot of pain in my hip area. In 2004, a 32-year-old man died from testicular cancer after he refused surgery in favor of using a Rife machine. It's not just that you are there to support your customers, but you are obviously into this equipment and extremely knowledgeable about it. I've been spending $800-$1000 monthly on a 'PROGRAM' to 'END CANDIDA FOREVER' since February of this year after returning from a month in India with severe parasite infestation; I weighed about 90 lbs, looked and felt like death. He also was developing growths and they have stopped forming since using the CBD! Overall, it is very effective as well as does a good job getting risd of cancer as well as parasites. - Dawn R., FL 2012, My friend and I bought the Rife 101 together early in June 2017 to share. There is no evidence that Rife machines have any effect on cancer or can cure HIV. I used the Rife Model 101 every day for about a week and my gums stopped bleeding after the 2nd treatment. Very encouraged! I was with her during the whole thing. You put electrical pads on your hands or feet. I have the Rife machine, and wanted to add a digital control, I would not recommend this to anyone without an electronic background, I gave up trying to add the digital control, it cost too much, and I could not find one in production. All my friends are buying them now because I don't want to lend mine out so much! Seems like the more I use it the better I feel. After using the RIFE on the nerve disorder program I was finally able to have a full meal! She phoned the next day and thanked me for his Ukrainian Xmas eve present. Well, they found this tumor is stage 2 cancer. I had NO problems and recovered from the surgery quickly - I even had dinner at a restaurant with my kids that night! Down stairs and/or downhill in to come have a full meal get the Rife 101 to control my.. 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