dishonesty the truth about lies transcript

So regardless of what he asks me, I will tell him the truth. They suppressed all their doubts, they censored themselves, they did all the things that would make the operative belief seem like the truth, masquerade as truth. Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode. BILL MOYERS: Such as your fathers alcoholism, your mothers stupor? What do you mean Im your favorite? No man has a good enough memory to be a successful liar. I had a myth that my daughter and I were close, and we werent. And they see that whats going on, that living the lie is defeating the purpose of the company, the government, whatever it may be. Stated a bit more bluntly, how we can use the available federal machinery to screw our political enemies.. It Includes: - The 2015 film (DIS)HONESTY THE TRUTH ABOUT How does this affect electronic transactions? BILL MOYERS: [voice-over] Other Morton Thiokol engineers also argued against launch. Youre no longer one of us. People who blow the whistle generally dont do it because they want revenge or theyre angry personally. BILL MOYERS: [voice-over] Boisjoly sent the memo to his boss. BILL MOYERS: [voice-over] After the hearings Boisjoly and fellow engineer Arnie Thompson were reassigned. If you have a belief, what happens is you ignore any evidence that disputes it, and you remember and you exaggerate everything that supports it. Using first person testimonials, the documentary shows a wide range of lying folks who were caught and forced to face the consequences. You promise you wont tell anybody I showed you? Discovery Regional Sports Networks May File For Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, Accused And Poker Face Forging New - And Old - Broadcast TV Path, Fox News Host Says Network Wont Let Him Cover Dominion Lawsuit, How AI And The Cloud Are Erasing The Borders In Making Movies And TV Shows. President, if you do this, if you Americanize the war, my recommendation is to go to the American public and let them know the seriousness of this. Johnson, being concerned with the politics of the decision, rejected that advice. Speeches about limiting the war were followed by new rounds of escalation. WebTranscript Enlarge this image In a $1.6 billion defamation suit, Dominion Voting Systems argues that Fox Corp. bosses Rupert Murdoch (left) and Lachlan Murdoch (right) were The lesson is eternal vigilance. As to what deters lies, it turns out that the threat of punishment is an ineffective behavioral modifier. February 25, 2023 Truth Mr. Murdoch, Father of Fox News and Father of Lies may be a GOAT Greatest of All Timein his chosen profession of reducing journalism to lies for the single purpose of appealing to the resentments and racism, hurt and lie-mongering of citizens in order to make profits. Reality is fearsome, but as weve learned in this series, experience tells us more fearsome yet is evading it. You just have to protect them. People lie for various reasons, such as to avoid punishment, to gain advantage, or to protect someone's feelings. Its the type of lie, its how long the lie endures, how large the fabric that has to be created to support it. In effect, demoted. Probably represents, I would say, 50 percent. The company was the only supplier of booster rockets and NASA was its biggest customer. Very dangerous. And to not accommodate a major customer like NASA may have put that type of situation in jeopardy. The pressure was on the company to reverse its recommendation. Not the kind of lie we tell somebody else. I've become fanatic about it. The reason I talk to myself is because Im the only one whose answers I accept.. WebFrom ticket-fixing in our police departments to test-score scandals in our schools, from our elected leaders' extra-marital affairs to financial schemes undermining our economy, Explore the archive. Petty deceptions are part of the fabric of everyday life. Additionally, people may not always be aware of when they're lying or may not consider certain types of dishonesty to be "lies." Chuck Klosterman . And they were reluctant to admit what really happened. WebHow to watch online, stream, rent or buy (Dis)Honesty: The Truth About Lies in Australia + release dates, reviews and trailers. Its just like roaches. 29. Thats trivial compared to the inner these ones . But finally, it seems, Rupert Murdoch himself wasn't willing to lie when he was deposed under oath in the $1.6 billion Dominion lawsuit that puts his entire company at risk. He allowed leaks to come from the White House, the Defense Department, which led Americans to believe that he was considering mobilizing the reserves, moving to a war setting, perhaps moving to a war economy, taking some major actions which would raise Vietnam to the specter of, quote, a war. And so the headlines of the New York Times, The Washington Post were very foreboding in July, as the President consulted with his advisors. Shortly after the meeting I told Bob Haldeman that I had to meet with film. CNBC Councils. Ariely is very impressive in his Ted talk clips, especially when he is explaining the widespread use of "the Fudge factor," the paradoxical aspect of human nature where people think of themselves as honest and inherently good people while lying in order to selfishly advance themselves, the fall-out from conflicts of interest, the contagion of deception, an example of a virtuous lie, and the lack of difference in the level of dishonesty among men, women, cultures and nations. Notification is crucial. Don't sign honor code: cheating What kind of projects can I and can't I do? He fooled everyone for a while, because he had fooled himself. Why Doesnt Elon Musk Fund Twitter Until It Turns Around? They dont have to ask you every day about it. WebThe Truth About Lying Statistics. WebLifestyle Politics. Its the conflict between a loyalty to higher authority and a loyalty to your peers. Weve put together a brief activity and discussion guide for families and groups to enjoy after watching the film. Have the lies become so many that the public mind has been saturated and numbed by them? He wanted it both ways. Whats the motive? What do you mean by blind spots? 1 Question Everyone Working in Dishonesty The Truth About Lies Transcript Should Know How to Answer Lying and Stealing Encyclopediacom. In Yael Melamede's insightful and always entertaining documentary, we are introduced to the ground-breaking work of Dan Ariely, an Israeli-born behavioral economist and a Duke University-based professor of psychology whose research and lab experiments examine dishonesty as a troubling part of human behavior. The Vietnam War, elaborate, immoral, deception that involves an enormous part of our society. Mr. Murdoch, Father of Fox News and Father of Lies may be a GOAT Greatest of All Timein his chosen profession of reducing journalism to lies for the single purpose of appealing to the resentments and racism, hurt and lie-mongering of citizens in order to make profits. It is meant to encourage meaningful and thoughtful discussions about our (dis)honest behavior. Hes not mobilizing the reserves, hes not sending the 150-200,000 troops to Vietnam. WebThis and other illuminating quotes about that fundamental human trait the ability to be dishonest welcome you at the website connected to the upcoming film (Dis)honesty The Truth About Lies, directed by Yael Melamede. Everybody lies a little. BILL MOYERS: You describe very vividly this group think at work in the Bay of Pigs episode, 1962. ROBERT HOTZ: They invent acronyms for everything. BILL MOYERS: What is the truth about lying when it comes to this sort of thing? Deduce that a circle and the graph of a polynomial of degree 3 intersect at most six times. WebFrom little white lies to criminal deceit and global deceptions, dishonesty is a universal constant of the world we live in. The plan was that a group of Cubans trained by the U.S., by the CIA in Guatemala in fact, would invade Cuba and that their invasion would trigger a popular uprising, and that Castro would be swept out, would be overwhelmed. A circle and a parabola intersect at most four times. JOHN DEAN: Made it up out of whole cloth. Additionally, people may not always be aware of when they're lying or may not consider certain types of dishonesty to be "lies." DAN GOLEMAN: Whats at work is one of the most primitive needs that we all have. ROBERT HOTZ: They had the illusion that the shuttle would be a space airliner, a cargo truck with a regularity and economy that time has proved was a grand illusion. DAN GOLEMAN: Exactly, or the yeah, or the beatings you had as a child. I was jetting around, trying to save the world, and where was my daughter? WOMAN: It as a lie that I believed about ROBERT HOTZ: NASA doesnt like to admit it was wrong, and they tried as long and as hard as possible to stick with that erroneous accident. What did you hear? SAM DASH: As weve learned in the whole line of history of freedom, you never win the battle once. We do it all the time. And then the war in Vietnam. Based mostly on the research of Dr. Dan Ariely, Professor of Psychology and It would be a lie, but it would be a lie for safety. And I started to pull him. Bill Moyers examines how deception has influenced some of the major events of our recent past and how self-deception shapes our personal lives and the public mind. Almost everyone else in the film does. Supply Chain Values. Yesterday, collaborator Dan Ariely, came to New York to participate in the 11th annual Games for Change Festival. This DVD release contains some bonus features, including interviews with Senator John McCain, Sam Antar (convicted felon and former CEO of Crazy Eddie), Rashad Kent (former NFL player), and others. Im still not sure all these years later that Lyndon Johnson was ever clear in his own mind exactly where it would end. On this side theres six. The first time we lie, we feel its impact in our amygdala and insula which are the parts of our brains that are connected to emotion. WHITE HOUSE SPOKESMAN: Our field commanders report that enemy deaths and combat are averaging more than 1,000 men a week. It wasnt like a lie. When you said, Im not going to go along with this? As we become more self-aware, we learn to spot our lies before we repeat them or they spiral out of control. Wed like people to be truthful. SAM DASH: It could be funny, but it really wasnt, because what it really illustrated was that these people saw themselves as not only super patriots, but anybody who disagreed with them or questioned them were their enemies. Directed by: Yael Melamede. (Dis)Honesty The Truth About Lies From seemingly small white lies to full-blown criminal confabulations, lying permeates human behavior. RICHARD FEYNMAN, Physicist: Well, I took this stuff that I got out of your seal, and I put it in ice water. Ill tell everybody how to do this trick. CANDACE: Oh, because I would have gotten in serious trouble! As we lie more, however, our brains dont become significantly aroused. Speaking over the phone for our interview, Ariely says not to use white lies, however, for exclusively selfish reasons. As our brains mature we are able to predict and imagine what the other person is thinking about. Johnson was very clever about the Americanization of the war. Now before you berate yourself and vow never to lie again, relax and take a breath. The company is still NASAs sole source for boosters and received a larger contract to redesign the boosters. BILL MOYERS: [voice-over] The third-ranking member of NASAs launch chain of command participated in the conference call and heard the warnings. NYU Stern School of Business We seem to prefer the comfortable lie to the uncomfortable truth. ROGER BOISJOLY: There was not one engineer in that room the night before the launch that supported the decision to launch. He asks a local youngster if the marsh has a hard bottom and is told that it does. BILL MOYERS: After the Watergate break-in, did anybody in the White House consider telling the truth? For more information on the project please follow the above links, and watch this short video: Ethical Systems Subscribe now for as little as $2 a month! WebThrough professional trainings and education, we aim to strengthen the core values espoused by many corporations and institutions and radically change current ethics programs. That, I believe, is wrong. WebLies Quotes. BILL MOYERS: [voice-over] So the countdown to liftoff continued. And on this side theres only one. And hes being a man of restraint, a man of peace, a man of compassion. But the most important part of that decision is what he didnt announce. Doctors are loyal to each other. OLIVER NORTH, former National Security Council Aide: [Iran-Contra investigation] I want you to know that lying does not come easy to me. But then NASA faced a dilemma: What to do next. It was tough to say that I resented my daughter and even hated her for a while. 27. DAN GOLEMAN: Its anything in your reality, in your immediate reality, your emotional world that you can. BILL MOYERS: In August of 1972, Richard Nixon, President Nixon, had a press conference which you watched on television. CNBC recently aired a fantastic new documentary called (Dis)Honesty The Truth About Lies. Thats what Ollie is citing. It gets dangerous when it endures over a long period of time. And we need to find the courage to speak it openly. Sen. DANIEL INOUYE, Senate Watergate Committee: This memorandum addresses the matter of how we can maximize the fact of our incumbency in dealing with persons known to be active in their opposition to our administration. It cost the entire nation a measure of confidence and prestige. JOHN DEAN: Nixon was out here in California, in San Clemente, having a press conference. By that I mean that we tend to lie more often once we get started. CNBC on Peacock. The issue is, were lives at stake? Four spots on this side. Because m that truth lies something that is so disturbing that wed rather not face it and live a half-truth than face it and feel the pain. LYNDON B. JOHNSON: The Great Society rests on abundance and liberty for all. The collective mind has its own blind spots. LYNDON B. JOHNSON: I believe theres a light at the end of what has been a long and lonely tunnel. On Wednesday, The Washington Post revealed that former Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich hid evidence debunking claims of election fraud. To undermine his critics, hold the great American middle, and shore up his own sagging morale, Lyndon Johnson fell deeper and deeper into wishful thinking. Abraham Lincoln . New York, NY 10012,, You cant live as a family if you cant trust each other. BILL MOYERS: Weve been talking for 15 years about the lessons of Watergate, but just recently we had a president who took his policy off the books went covert with it, went underground. DAN GOLEMAN: Any time you have a shared lie, a vital lie, in a group it survives because everyone is playing the game. Going far beyond Healing is different. Posted by: Barnacle Bill the sailor at February 28, 2023 06:05 PM (vcOmj) Web(Dis)Honesty The Truth About Lies is a documentary feature film that explores the human tendency to be dishonest. The (Honest) Truth About Dishonesty, Dan Arielys new book about the nature of cheating, includes this truly remarkable passage: Cheating by healers. The top people. JOHN DEAN: There was no doubt in my mind that we werent going to launch. MAN: I lied to vendors. You may opt-out by. You just run that one through. And he responded that he was appalled by Thiokots recommendation. You told But Ive also lied as a parent to reassure them. Its all I knew. WebWarrant For Not Paying Court Fines. I wouldnt do that today. BILL MOYERS: [voice-over] Now in that fateful conference call the NASA managers were telling Morton Thiokol they did not want to delay the launch. Lifestyle. And the number captured in the last four weeks has been very high indeed. Their answer was the shuttle. 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