atlantean gods and goddesses

Photon agreed to help Gaea, but only if she would sleep with him. Carbon-12 A Critical Gateway To The Birth Of Life Is Produced In Stars Did Life Come From Cosmos? One of the most well informed scholars of his era Brasseur de Bourbourg was known to have traveled South America extensively in order to pursue the Mayan-Atlantean connection. Basilea was the first queen of the legendary Kingdom of Atlantis in ancient Greek folk tradition.. Basilea was the eldest and one of the most celebrated daughters of Uranus, who had forty-five children by various wives, including Rhea and Pandora.Basilea became known as the "Great Mother" due to the solicitous way in which she cared for her younger brothers. in one great sudden rush of water Great Serpent (Canhel) was ravished from the Heavens the sky fell down and the dry land sank, when the four gods (the four Bacabs)arose, who had brought about the annihilation of the world. From Cartari's Imagini degli Dei degli Antichi. The center of the Atlantean Wisdom-Religion was presumably a great pyramidal temple standing on the brow of a plateau rising in the midst of the City of the Golden Gates. Reok courted Tessa, who initially refused him. Gaea looked at her domain and found it to be bare and cold. Their union gave birth to the cosmos and the Titans. So there was even a greater mixture of races/beings in Atlantis than there was even in Lemuria. There are, however, some theories of Atlantis that have arisen from the observations of the Mayan ruins and the geography of South America. Issoro (God of Moderation and Temperance.) The oldest son, Atlas, was given rule over all the island which was also named for him. Atlanteans are the native race that inhabit the content of Atlantis. There can be no question that these gods of Greece were human beings. Poseidon was pleased with his allotted land. In the midst of the Atlantean program of world colonization and conversion, the cataclysms which sank Atlantis began. Merodach, the creator of the inferior universe, slays a horrible monster and out of her body forms the universe. Dismayed by the actions of her husband Photon, Celestia sought out Okeanus for comfort. The two southward pointing lands on either side of the Gulf of Laconia were considered to be the Pillars, making this general region popular for speculation of Atlantis location. And just like that, Atlantis, its people & its memory were swallowed by the sea. The volcanic ash was spread as far as Asia, and it is known that the temperature was greatly reduced. Though he technically had control over the entire island, he chose to make the mountain where he was born and the surrounding land his home. There are also several avian-headed gods in the Egyptian and Hindu pantheons. The conflict came to an end by the submersion of the Atlantis; which finds its imitation in the stories of the Babylonian and Mosaic flood: The giants and magicians '* * * and all flesh died * * * and every man.' ", In the introduction to his translation of the Timus, Thomas Taylor quotes from a History of Ethiopia written by Marcellus, which contains the following reference to Atlantis: "For they relate that in their time there were seven islands in the Atlantic sea, sacred to Proserpine; and besides these, three others of an immense magnitude; one of which was sacred to Pluto, another to Ammon, and another, which is the middle of these, and is of a thousand stadia, to Neptune." 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They were believed to be the four Atlantean gods the giants. For a list of all original species, see here. The offspring of the Titans became known as the Firstborn Gods. While the official identity of the Sea Peoples remains a mystery, it seems clear that they were known to have posed a great threat to the Mediterranean civilizations similar to how the Atlanteans were thought to have caused problems. To Poseidon was given the sea and the island continent of Atlantis. The Forbidden Hymn Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Blonde hair is believed to carry the Curse of Kordax. Names of deities that are bold are active as of July 2021. Akadema courted the beautiful Sekaria. As Atlanteans were obsessed by mathematical perfection, quite a lot of these are mathematical drawings. She obliged for the sake of her daughter and gave birth to a son, Eko, God of Volcanoes, Metal, and Crafts. It has served as both a cautionary tale and a source of awe and wonder for the intellectually curious. A Complete List of Greek Goddesses, Their Names & Their Realms of Influence. The Titans Family tree provides an instant overview of the genealogy of the Immortals, the first of the Greek gods and goddesses. Each moat was heavily guarded to ensure the protection of Cleito and her sons. The lack of possessions and bones on the island suggest that most of the Minoans were able to evacuate the island before the explosion occurred. The Inca god of rain, lightning, thunder, and storms, Apu Illapu had a significant role in a culture that depended on agriculture. Yet the plants withered away in the cold and Tessa cried to her mother with great sadness. The Saints and the Gods of Atlantis. Written by A. Sutherland AncientPages.comStaff Writer, Copyright AncientPages.comAll rights reserved. The Guardian (Dark-Hunter, #20; Dream-Hunter, #5; Were-Hunter, #6; Hellchaser, #3) by. THE END. p. 34. Thera took out a large portion of the island of Santorini and had a dramatic affect on the climate and history as it was known at that time. Spes) The . According to Atlantean beliefs the Gods draw their powers from the primordial beings of Asha and Jovian. The plain was divided into sections, and in time of war each section supplied its quota of fighting men and chariots. In one he was gored to death like Adonis; in the other he emasculated himself under a pine tree and there died. She took part in the Calydonian boar hunt. The mounds in Normandy and Britain, as well as those of the American Indians, are remnants of a similar culture. According to the Mayan Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel. [1], Other gods of the pantheon, notably the evil gods (called the "Dark Gods of Atlantis") are thought to either also be extra-dimensional beings or originating from a different planet altogether. Rate this book. The divine (Atlantean) progenitors of the Mayas and Quichs of Central America coexisted within the green and azure radiance of Gucumatz, the "plumed" serpent. And that is the reason why the sea in those parts is impassable and impenetrable, because there is such a quantity of shallow mud in the way; and this was caused by the subsidence of the island. The Gods of Atlantis are a accumulation of extra-dimensional and divine beings worshiped by both ancient and modern Atlanteans. The plain yielded two crops each year,, in the winter being watered by rains and in the summer by immense irrigation canals, which were also used for transportation. It is a pretty well defined hierarchy, not all Atlantean gods, demons and demigods are in there (only 2300 gods of the 3000 or 5000), but I will now give you a brief overview of the hierarchy. If Atlantis be considered as the archetypal sphere, then its immersion signifies the descent of rational, organized consciousness into the illusionary, impermanent realm of irrational, mortal ignorance. Earth Other sacred numbers were , 576 and 432. The secret import of this world tragedy and the Universal Martyr must be rediscovered if Christianity is to reach the heights attained by the pagans in the days of their philosophic supremacy. Their children become less powerful with each subsequent generation, as each newborn is further removed from their ancestral sources of power. "The history of Atlantis," writes Ignatius Donnelly, "is the key of the Greek mythology. Coincidently, the Ancient Athens that is described in this story has a suspicious amount of similarities to the ideal society that was described by Plato in The Republic. Because of this, many people wonder if Plato may have fabricated the tale of Atlantis in order to use the story to demonstrate how his idea of a perfect society was correct. Contents. Tammuz, whose annual festival took place just before the summer solstice, died in midsummer in the ancient month which bore his name, and was mourned with elaborate ceremonies. Although they are always more powerful than humans, they are often . Sekaria agreed, and they made love. . Snake Gods of Ancient Greece: Asclepius, The Gorgons, and The Hydra Asclepius. All the other hundreds of gods are less important and usually a single temple is . Lemuria was an ancient empire located in the Indian Ocean, predating civilizations like Atlantis, Babylon and Egypt by thousands of years. 4 Asura Goddess of Dawn; Messenger of the Gods; Flame of Atlantis Status: Lesser God Alignment: Neutral good Domains: Forge, Light Prime Deity: Fatima Each of these gods have their own unique bonuses, god . Ydor is the god of the oceans and water. Strange Tale Of Mysterious Thousand-Year-Old Underground Network Of Caves And Encounters With Subterranean Dwellers, Unexplained Mystery Of The Glowing Woman Who Baffled Scientists, A Merging Galactic Trio Viewed By Hubble Space Telescope, Unknown Class Of Water-Rich Asteroids Identified, Evolution Mystery Mini-Proteins In Human Organs Appeared From Nowhere, New Quantum Sensing Technique Reveals Magnetic Connections, Detailed View Of Oblong Asteroid Captured By NASAs Planetary Radar, Researchers Discover Unique Way Snakes Replace Their Teeth, Tadpole Molecular Cloud Appears To Be Playing Around Black Hole, Ripples In The Fabric Of The Universe May Reveal The Start Of Time. Herodotus declares that the Samothracians received their doctrines, especially those concerning Mercury, from the Pelasgians. By ascending successively through the fiery sphere of Hades, the spheres of water, Earth, and air, and the heavens of the moon, the plane of Mercury is reached. With outspread wings, Ishtar, the daughter of Sin (the Moon), sweeps downward to the gates of death. The Atlantis Bookshop 49a Museum Street Bloomsbury London WC1A 1LY. She is both the sister and wife of Zeus, which makes her the de facto Queen of the Gods.. Heliona is the female aspect of the solar . 3%. Number of Toes The birth of Photon gave light to the cosmos while Okeanus covered the world in water. (See Atlantis.). (Consult Theon of Smyrna for the Pythagorean doctrine of opposites.) Many who believe that Plato was describing a real place often point to the writings of Hellanicus of Lesbos. The numbers 1 to 10 rule every creature, and the numbers, in turn, are under the control of the Monad, or 1--the Eldest among them. The twin brother of Artemis - or Diana - Apollo has many associations including the sun, music, archery, prophecy and healing. The rabbit in particular animal plays a . In Platos time, it was widely accepted that Atlantis was an allegorical work that was used to express Platos vision for an ideal society. Atlantis was an archipelago consisting of two large islands situated in the Atlantic Ocean near the Mediterranean Sea. He used his rainfalls to cause her flowers to bloom and crafted a garland out of them to gift her every year until she agreed to marry him. The Atlantean Patheon were the fallen gods and godesses of Atlantis. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! But even these got lonely so they began creating the other gods, who eventually created the solar system, all the gods began living in the sun (the Atlanteans were aware that the sun was in the middle of the solar system). Photon had taken Celestia in marriage and their offspring included Infernos, God of Fire, Luna, Goddess of the Moon, and Bakku, God of Poetry and Celebrations. After which Asha withdrew to mate with Jovian. The City of the Golden Gates--the capital of Atlantis--is the one now preserved among numerous religions as the City of the Gods or the Holy City. Country after country began to fall to the power of the Atlanteans until only one power stood against them Ancient Athens. Among the legends of the Chaldeans is that of Oannes, a partly amphibious creature who came out of the sea and taught the savage peoples along the shore to read and write, till the soil, cultivate herbs for healing, study the stars, establish rational forms of government, and become conversant with the sacred Mysteries. Labels: Anunnaki, Aryan, Atlantis, cro magnon, Demi-Gods, Egypt, Fallen Angels, giants, Goddess, Gods, solutrean, Titans. The Atlantean is the pantheon of the spirits of the lost civilization of Atlantis; they play a limited role in Scion. Open Monday to Saturday 10.30am-6.00pm Telephone: 020 7405 2120 Creators They were all known to have impressive land and many subjects. The Deluge legend may be traced also to the Atlantean inundation, during which a "world" was destroyed by water.. Was the religious, philosophic, and scientific knowledge possessed by the priestcrafts of antiquity secured from Atlantis, whose submergence obliterated every vestige of its part in the drama of world progress? Atlas twin, Gaderius, was also given considerable inheritance. (See Mackey's Encyclopdia of Freemasonry.) For a list of non-deity characters, see here. Origen, Porphyry, Proclus, Iamblichus, and Syrianus realized that the story concealed a profound philosophical mystery, but they disagreed as to the actual interpretation. He was slain by the Argonauts and the magic of the witch Medea. It was a truly gigantic group. He married his sister Ge. Gaea raised mountains to form lands and Celestia the filled the sky with air. A peaceful civilization known as the Minoans had lived on the island. One of these is a drawing of a Tirip, but many others also exist. Either the initiated Plato used the Atlantis allegory to achieve two widely different ends or else the accounts preserved by the Egyptian priests were tampered with to perpetuate the secret doctrine. Atlantean myths are passed down via the recitation of hymns. Alexander Wilder notes that in the Samothracian ritual "Cadmillus is made to include the Theban Serpent-god, Cadmus, the Thoth of Egypt, the Hermes of the Greeks, and the Emeph or sculapius of the Alexandrians and Phnicians. " Human and semihuman forms of some of the chief Egyptian deities: 1) Horus, son of Osiris, a sky god closely connected with the king.2) Set, enemy of Horus and Osiris, god of storms and disorder.3) Thoth, a moon deity and god of writing, counting and wisdom.4) Khnum, a ram god who shapes men and their kas on his potter's wheel. (See Atlantis.). In the midst of the island was a mountain which was the dwelling place of three earth-born primitive human beings--Evenor; his wife, Leucipe; and their only daughter, Cleito. The gods, realizing that the loss of Ishtar is disorganizing all Nature, send a messenger to the underworld and demand her release. Many of the most well-known mythologies feature moon goddesses, such as the Greek goddesses Selene and Artemis as well as, of course, China's Chang'e. Selene ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) Evidently, the moon is not an exclusively female domain as there also exist moon gods which include Ibis and Chonsu of Thebes. Many different ideas were proposed to solve this mystery. Though some of them vary in exact origin, it is known that many members of these gods consist of agents of both the Lords of Order and Lords of Chaos. Instead, they believed that the Mayans were a separate race entirely that had somehow disappeared and was lost to history. 97%. This website also explores some of the origins of mythology and includes appearances of familiar mythological characters in popular culture. The Egyptians were initiated into the Mysteries of Pan, who was regarded as a phase of Jupiter, the Demiurgus. These pillars represent the "saints and gods of Atlantis". However, there were many issues with this train of thought most of them resulting in the racism that the idea was explored with. No record exists that Ishtar secured the water of life which would have wrought the resurrection of Tammuz. One of the first theories that the land inhabited by the Mayans could be linked to the lost civilization of Atlantis likely came from Abraham Ortelius a cartographer and geographer. At alternate intervals of five and six years a pilgrimage was made to this temple that equal honor might be conferred upon both the odd and the even numbers. The list is presented in alphabetical order by Greek name, with commonly alternate names following, including both Roman and Etruscan versions. It is possible that the sudden exposure of increased wealth and power bestowed on these humans made them hunger for more than what they needed. Satisfied with himself, he withdrew to observe his creation. Certain shamans among the American Indians tell of holy men dressed in birds' feathers and wampum who rose out of the blue waters and instructed them in the arts and crafts. For the Most Beautiful: A Novel of the Women of Troy by Emily Hauser. Among the Mayas, Quetzalcoatl, the Savior-God (whom some Christian scholars believe to have been St. Thomas), issued from the waters and, after instructing the people in the essentials of civilization, rode out to sea on a magic raft of serpents to escape the wrath of the fierce god of the Fiery Mirror, Tezcatlipoca. He carved the mountain where she lived into a great palace and placed three moats around it each moat larger than the last. They circumscribed each of the land zones with a wall, the outer wall being covered with brass, the middle with tin, and the inner, which encompassed the citadel, with orichalch. This hypothesis bears credibility, especially when considering that the myths that surround Atlantis describe it as creating an impassible area of sea when it sunk to the bottom of the ocean. The Atlantean civilisation lasted for over 260,000 years and ended in 2012. Only the Atlanteans gods whom are affiliated with the. Unfortunately, only fragments of Hellanicus Atlantis survive. Like many other Savior-Gods, he is referred to as a "shepherd" or "the lord of the shepherd seat." While the Atlantean Gods have been missing, presumed dead or corrupted beyond recognition millennia ago, there is power in belief. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! It is without light; the nourishment of those who dwell therein is dust and their food is mud. One of the recurring themes in Greek mythology was Hera's jealousy in the face of her husband's infidelity. According to ancient Maya beliefs, these years were expected to be the greatest and most successful years. The Garden of Eden from which humanity was driven by a flaming sword is perhaps an allusion to the earthly paradise supposedly located west of the Pillars of Hercules and destroyed by volcanic cataclysms. Children were initiated into the Cabirian cult with the same dignity as adults, and criminals who reached the sanctuary were safe from pursuit. Initiation with Matias De Stefano. The very first beings were the primordial deities Jovian and Asha. Want to Read. Ancient Desert Mystery Did Thousands Vanish Without A Trace Because Of An Ominous Prophecy And Revenge? Leahs pure love caused the plants to spring back to life and Asha smiled upon her. Many people think that Clement was referring to the lost land of Atlantis because of the way that he describes this far off place. While there, he supposedly came across the Egyptian records of Atlantis and translated them. Dionysidorus, however, identifies Aschieros with Demeter, Achiochersus with Pluto, Achiochersa with Persephone, and Cashmala with Hermes. Atlantis was said to be larger than Libya and Asia Minor combined, making it a respectable piece of land to inherit. Filled with false ambition, the rulers of Atlantis determined to conquer the entire world. The following hymns are translated and summarized from the original Atlantean texts. "'I ask,' says Voltaire, 'who were these Hierophants, these sacred Freemasons, who celebrated their Ancient Mysteries of Samothracia, and whence came they and their gods Cabiri?'" A curious aspect of the dying-god myth is that of the Hanged Man. Atlantean Gods and Godesses. Wisdom, not death, is the reward for this voluntary sacrifice during which the human soul, suspended above the world of illusion, and meditating upon its unreality, is rewarded by the achievement of self-realization. Fun Fact. Sallust gives a key to the esoteric interpretation of the Attic rituals. Their faces definitely do not resemble Indian facial features. is a user-friendly resource for information about Egyptian, Roman and Norse gods found in mythology. "By Archon's thorny hammer" was an old Atlantean saying. As more and more potential references continue to come to light regarding Atlantis, there continue to be different proposed sites of Atlantis that come to light. They were known for their efficient bureaucracy and advanced civilization. The offspring of the Titans became known as the Firstborn Gods. She was one of the few female heroes in Greek mythology, and is first mentioned in "Catalogues of Women," a poem believed to have been written by Hesiod. These gods would be called the "Seven Gods" or the "Ancient Gods" by ancient Atlanteans. Among certain Maya groups it was believed that the Bacabs were four brothers and sons of Ixchel, the Moon goddess of medicine, childbirth and weaving, and great god Itzmna (his name in Mayan means "Lizard House"). Apollo- The Sun, Constellations, and Daydreaming, Angie- Lesbians, Confidence, and Digital Art, Aply'Skot- Willpower, Power, and The Supernatural, Arrow- Oddity, Endangered Animals, and Mischief, Atom- Atoms, Toxins/Diseases, and Negativity, Bastet- Cats, Cleverness, and Silence When Needed, Bear- Forgiveness, Weather, and the Harvest, Blizzy- Aliens and Breaking the Fourth Wall, Blue- Spite, Vigilantes, and Saltiness/Sass, Cleaver- Arthropods, Art/Writing Utensils, and Loss of Creativity/Inspiration, Crystalite- Black Cats, Pluto, and Gravity, Darksea- Betrayal/Lies, Attraction, and Puppies, Downpour- Hopeless Love, Heartbreak, and Rejection, Dreamcatcher- Sleep, Dreams, and Nightmares, Eliza- Music/Sound, the Internet, and Writing/Authoring, Fairy- Fairies, Knowledge/Learning, and Creativity/Thinking Outside the Box, Fallon- Assassination, Weapons, and Writing/Authoring/Reading, Felicity Heartstone- Freedom, Nature, and Annoyance, Frostbyte- Inklings, Lava, and Jaden Smith, Future- Binge-Watching, Grammar, and ADHD, Forgotten/Starfall- Forgotten Knowledge, Lost Legends, and Arcanesmithing, Galaxian Explosion- Loyalty, Life, and the Cosmos, Galaxy- Doodling, String Instruments, and Gourmet Food, Gem.exe- Mutated Animals, System Failure, and Glitches, Gleam- Magic, Imagination, and Creativity, Glitch- Disruption, Songs, and Technology, Gulfstream- Plants, Children, and History, Hawknar- Intuition, Wisdom, and Knowledge, Hazel- The Hunt, Wild Animals, and the Wilderness, Hyacinth- Animals, Mythical Creatures, and Deception, Insanity- Fire, Mythical Creatures, and the Vulnerable, Ivy- Wolves, Music, and Subzero Temperatures, Jackal- Pirates, Thefts, and Sea-Related Items (e.g. To form lands and Celestia the filled the sky with air plants withered away in the other he himself. 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