kimberly smith realtor

(.+)?$/i))){var o,i,s,l=(null===(o=window)||void 0===o?void 0:null===(i=o.location)||void 0===i?void 0:null===(s=i.pathname.match(/([\w\d-]{5,})\/(website)/i))||void 0===s?void 0:s[0])||"";return l? Eric is a wonderful realtor to work with! If you wish to report an issue or seek an accommodation, please let us know. We have a network of trusted, licensed, and insured vendors to perform maintenance and repair work on your home. We hire motivated agents with the goal of inspiring them through our exciting, innovative, and high-energy culture. REVIEW: Working with me during the home inspection, the sales contract and right up to working with me and the lender. We opened our doors in 2014 and soon became the fastest growing and most innovative brokerage firm in the area. Real Estate Agent Kimberly Smith, Magnolia Realty | Waco TX Share profile. Kimberly showed us many houses before we finally found the perfect one. Eden Prairie, Minnesota, United States. We opened our doors in 2014 and soon became the fastest growing and most innovative brokerage firm in the area. Find real estate agent & Realtor Kimberley Smith in LAKELAND, FL on, your source for top rated real estate professionals. Value U.S. Reg. Her knowledge of the area was extremely helpful, since we are from New England. Kim Smith Real Estate Agent at eXp Realty Washington DC-Baltimore Area 329 followers 320 connections Join to connect eXp Realty Hampton University Company Website About Realtor who is. ");o=x(e.length)}if(g._useTypedArrays?i=g._augment(new Uint8Array(o)):((i=this).length=o,i._isBuffer=!0),g._useTypedArrays&&"number"==typeof e.byteLength)i._set(e);else if(S(a=e)||g.isBuffer(a)||a&&"object"==typeof a&&"number"==typeof a.length)for(u=0;u>8,r=t%256,o.push(r),o.push(n);return o}(t),e,n,r)}function c(e,t,n){var r="";n=Math.min(e.length,n);for(var o=t;o>>0)):(t+1>>0),o}function h(e,t,n,r){if(r||(D("boolean"==typeof n,"missing or invalid endian"),D(null!=t,"missing offset"),D(t+1>>8*(r?u:1-u)}function _(e,t,n,r,o){o||(D(null!=t,"missing value"),D("boolean"==typeof r,"missing or invalid endian"),D(null!=n,"missing offset"),D(n+3>>8*(r?u:3-u)&255}function E(e,t,n,r,o){o||(D(null!=t,"missing value"),D("boolean"==typeof r,"missing or invalid endian"),D(null!=n,"missing offset"),D(n+1this.length&&(r=this.length),e.length-t=this.length))return this[e]},g.prototype.readUInt16LE=function(e,t){return l(this,e,!0,t)},g.prototype.readUInt16BE=function(e,t){return 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You have questions and I have answers. This is my second real estate transaction with Kim. My passion is for everything the Pacific Northwest can possibly offer, especially taking advantage of the time spent outdoors and the local ingredients for my culinary arts. Brooke and Josh helped us successfully purchase a new home. Kim explained the different neighborhoods. We had a partner that truly listened to our wants and needs in detail. I called Kim and she was very attentive listening to what size, shape and kind of home I was looking for. Kim recently helped our family pack, clean and sell a home from 1200 miles away. It's our job to look after your best interests, and we will do so at no cost to you as a buyer. NAR will strive to provide the content you need in the format you require. Dealing with the unexpected passing of our father was hard, putting his dream waterfront home on the market was heartbreaking. She went so far as to negotiate fair prices and paid each provider on time and under budget. I work with resales, new construction, investment properties, land, relocation and rentals. ".5":".5+"),1!=e||t&&0!=t||(r.label="Bath")),r},getSqFt:function(e){return e? 02/17/2021 Were so excited for this next adventure. Not only did he make sure things went smoothly, he spotted errors that our mortgage processor had made that would have cost us over $5,000 more at closing. Review all listings and sales below. Kimberly Smith was absolutely Amazing throughout the entire process. She is extremely knowledgeable and helpful. Her expertise and keen negotiating skills enabled me to find the right house, in the right neighborhood and at the right price. Kimberly Smith hasn't provided a bio yet. I am a mom of 2, and they are mostly all grown. lot Get access to Premium Content She was very proactive in identifying properties that were in line with our requirements and really listened to our feedback so that the search became more accurate over time. Kimberly has been our agent through a sale and a purchase. She keeps her client informed giving you reassurance throughout the process. Used under license. 3/30/2017 - trolldude1Bought a Single Family home in 2017 in Duvall, WA. She was there to answer every question that I had. She explained that she was born and raised in Crossville. Choosing a doctor is important, choosing a lawyer is important and when it comes to trusting someone to sell your home, wellyour realtor is more important !! "#b0b0b0":"#6b758a",h=new t("Appointment Only",g,null);r.push(h),3===r.length&&r.shift()}}if(e.listing.specialFeatures.contingent){var d=new t("Contingent","#fac332",null);r.push(d)}else if(e.listing.specialFeatures.shortSale){var f=new t("Short Sale","#f71200",null);r.push(f)}else if({var y=new t("Auction","#f71200",null);r.push(y)}else if(e.listing.specialFeatures.foreclosure){var b=new t("Foreclosure","#f71200",null);r.push(b)}}else if(e&&e.propertyID){var v="Off-Market";if(e.attributes&&e.attributes.mlsStatus)switch(!0){case e.attributes.mlsStatus.expired:v="Expired";break;case e.attributes.mlsStatus.canceled:v="Canceled";break;case e.attributes.mlsStatus.withdrawn:v="Withdrawn";break;case e.attributes.mlsStatus.hold:v="Hold"}var w=new t(v,"#006DC7",null);r.push(w)}return r},getOwnershipTypeAttributeDescription:function(e,t){switch(e){case 1:return"Absentee - In state";case 2:return"Absentee - Out of state";case 4:return"Corporate";case 8:return"Owner Occupied";default:return null}},getDistressedAttributeDescription:function(e,t){switch(e){case 1:return"Lis Pendens";case 2:return"Notice Of Default";case 4:return"Notice Of Foreclosure Sale";case 8:return"Notice Of Trustee Sale";case 32:return"Affidavit Notice of Sale Published or Mailed";case 64:return"Cancelled";case 128:return"Certificate of Purchase / Certificate of Foreclosure Recorded";case 256:return"Order Rescheduling Foreclosure Sale Date";case 512:return"Foreclosure Judgment Entered";case 2048:return"Newly Filed Complaint";case 4096:return"Order of Dismissal/Cancellation/Release of Lis Pendens";case 8192:return"Power of Attorney to Foreclose Mortgage";case 16384:return"Re-Recorded Notice of Default";case 32768:return"Re-Recorded Final Judgment of Foreclosure";case 65536:return"Re-Recorded Notice of Lis Pendens";case 131072:return"Re-Recorded Order of Dismissal";case 524288:return"NFNS Updated with Sale Information Rescheduled";case 1048576:return"Re-Recorded Notice of Trustees Sale";case 2097152:return"Sold";case 4194304:return"Re-Recorded Notice of Sale";case 8388608:return"Standalone Mortgage";case 1073741824:return"Other";default:return null}}},a.js={dedupeHashTables:function(e,t,r){var n={add:[],keep:[],remove:[]};return e&&0!=e.length?t&&0!=t.length?(e.each(function(e,a){t.hasItem(e)?r&&!r(a,t.getItem(e))? 220 days at 000 FM 356 Trinity, TX 75862 $28K Active 38,492 sqft. And she has a great team of people around her. I have extensive experience marketing properties and showing them to their best advantage. 1 talking about this. Kimberly is consistently a multi-million . Make it easy on yourself by putting your home in the hands of a seasoned professional. Listings by Kimberly Smith & Prior Sales For Sale 2 Recently Sold 11 Recently Rented 1 Recent Showings 25 28 days at 26725 Maple Street Huntsville, TX 77320 $186K Under Contract - P 3 beds 2 baths 1,186 sqft. Previous 3D WALKTHROUGH. I cant say enough positive things about her, or her services and highly recommend her to anyone in search or purchasing a home or wanting to sell one. "now":n<60?n.toString()+"s":a<60?a.toString()+"m":o<24?o.toString()+"h":i<7?i.toString()+"d":s<5?s.toString()+"w":l.toString()+"mo"}},getAgoFriendly:function(e){var;if(e){var r=t-e.getTime(),n=Math.round(r/1e3),a=Math.round(n/60),o=Math.round(a/60),i=Math.round(o/24);return n<0?"Today":n<60?"Today":a<60?"Today":o<24?"Today":o>=24&&o<48?"Yesterday":i<7? Zillow (Canada), Inc. holds real estate brokerage licenses in multiple provinces. 442-H New York Standard Operating Procedures New York Fair Housing NoticeTREC: Information about brokerage services, Consumer protection noticeCalifornia DRE #1522444Contact Zillow, Inc. Kerrys knowledge of the industry and responsiveness is second to none. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Working with you was a pleasure. Such a good and kind person. 2023 BHH Affiliates, LLC. I am a hometown girl with deep roots in the area, Realtor & Property Management. I highly recommend her and her team. As your Buyer's Representative, we can make the process of house hunting much easier and more efficient than if you did it all yourself. {raw:e,string:e.toLocaleString(),label:"Acres"}:null},getPrice:function(e,t){if(e){var r=Math.round(e),n="$"+r.toLocaleString();t&&2==t&&(n+="/mo");var a;return r<1e4?a=r.toLocaleString():r<999500?(a=Math.round(r/1e3).toString(),a+="K"):r<105e4?a="1M":r<9995e4? When we arrived after a 3 day drive, she had professionals scheduled and ready to work. I'm Kimberly Smith I'm here to help you throughout your entire home buying and selling process. (s=s.replace("{sizeid}",e.toString()),s=s.replace("{mediaidreversed}",a.string.reverse(r.toString())),s=s.replace("{listingidreversed}",a.string.reverse(t.toString()))):(n("RootURL AkamaiListingImagesURLFormat is undefined"),"")},getImageSet:function(e,t){var r=this,n={};return Object.entries(this.mapping).forEach(function(a){var o=_slicedToArray(a,2),i=o[0],s=o[1];n[i]=r.getImage(s,e,t)}),n},getPrimaryImage:function(e,t){return this.getImageSet(e,t)},getSecondaryImages:function(e,t){for(var r=[],n=0;n')}else if(o){var g;c.priority=20,c.color="purple",c.pinName="purple",c.primaryColor="purple",c.pinHex="00B100",c.text="Open House",i&&(c.text="Open ".concat(i)),u&&null!==(g=u.method)&&void 0!==g&&g.virtual&&(c.text="Live ",a.listing.isOpenHouseNow(u)?c.text+="Now ":i&&(c.text+="".concat(i," ")),c.text+='')}else c.priority=30,c.color="green",c.pinName="green",c.primaryColor="green",c.pinHex="00B100",c.text=p? No recommendations provided yet. Skip to content. (t.length&&(t+=" "),t+="["+e.propertyAddress.address.fullStreetAddress+", "+e.propertyAddress.address.cityStateZip+" ]"):e.image? I would want to be associated with somebody where the financial strength was unquestioned and where the name stood for integrity. Please try again. Active listings data currently unavailable. Real Estate App. 1/18/2022 - user0676481Bought a Single Family home in 2022 in Crossville, TN. We had a real partner in our home buying and selling experience with Scott. If you wish to report an issue or seek an accommodation, please let us know. This browser is no longer supported. Next Welcome to Kim Smith Homes at Solid Source Realty of Georgia. 5/26/2020 - Kimmy AnnieBought and sold a Mobile / Manufactured home in 2020 in Umatilla, FL. I would recommend Shaun to anyone looking to buy a property in the Northern Virginia area. As an agent who's an expert in this local area, I bring a wealth of Knowledge and expertise about buying and selling real estate here. She is extremely professional and caring. High-Tech Alternative to Gas Stoves Steals the Spotlight. She was quick to get over the paperwork and she made the transaction smooth. 43777 Central Station Drive, Suite 390 We are continuously working to improve the accessibility of our web experience for everyone, and we welcome feedback and accommodation requests. Willing to jump in and help solve all issues that arose. (360) 642-4461 Ext 231. She truly did a fantastic job of keeping us constantly informed throughout the entire process, from updating us on showings to updating us daily on how our offer/purchase agreement was progressing. Cell Phone. Career Break. I'll find you homes within your price range, help you find buyers, assist you with paperwork, and more. Thank you, Kim. This map can show the most recent 100 listings and 100 sales. (n.remove.push(e),n.add.push(e)):n.keep.push(e):n.remove.push(e)}),t.each(function(t,r){e.hasItem(t)||n.add.push(t)})):n.remove=e.keys():t&&t.length>0&&(n.add=t.keys()),n},round:function(e,t){return Number(Math.round(e+"e"+t)+"e-"+t)}},{getXYbyLatLng:function(e,t,r){var n=parseInt(256*Math.pow(2,r-1)+t*(256*Math.pow(2,r)/360)),a=Math.sin(e*Math.PI/180);return a.9999&&(a=.9999),{x:n,y:parseInt(256*Math.pow(2,r-1)+.5*Math.log((1+a)/(1-a))*(-256*Math.pow(2,r)/(2*Math.PI)))}},getLatLngByPixel:function(e,t,r){var n=e*(360/(256*Math.pow(2,r)))-180,o=t*(2/(256*Math.pow(2,r)));return o=1-o,o*=Math.PI,,{lat:o,lng:n}},getRadiansByDegrees:function(e){return e*(180/Math.PI)},getDistance:function(e,t,r,n,a){var o=Math.PI*e/180,i=Math.PI*r/180,s=t-n,l=Math.PI*s/180,u=Math.sin(o)*Math.sin(i)+Math.cos(o)*Math.cos(i)*Math.cos(l);return u=Math.acos(u.toPrecision(14)),u=180*u/Math.PI,u=60*u*1.1515,"K"==a&&(u*=1.609344),"N"==a&&(u*=.8684),u},getDecodedPolygon:function(e){var t=function(e){for(var t=e.split("$"),r=[],n=0;n-1&&e.push(t+5e3);for(;t<1e6;)t+=25e3,e.push(t);for(;t<2e6;)t+=1e5,e.push(t);for(;t<3e6;)t+=25e4,e.push(t);for(;t<=5e6;)t+=5e5,e.push(t);for(var{return{value:e,label:e<=1e6? Kimberly Smith Living Down South Realty 6770 Reed Creek Highway Hartwell, GA 30643 Direct: 678-677-3505 Office: 706-806-8808. "Last 90 Days":i>=90&&i<365? When the business is done, I want to call you family. Kimberly Smith is a Licensed Realtor at Residential Alabama based in Jacksonville, Florida. Kimberly has been our agent through a sale and a purchase. SAMSON PROPERTIES website. {raw:e,commas:e.toLocaleString(),short:this.getShortNumber(e),decimal0:e.toLocaleString(void 0,{style:"decimal",maximumFractionDigits:0}),decimal1:e.toLocaleString(void 0,{style:"decimal",maximumFractionDigits:1,minimumFractionDigits:1}),decimal2:e.toLocaleString(void 0,{style:"decimal",maximumFractionDigits:2,minimumFractionDigits:2}),decimal3:e.toLocaleString(void 0,{style:"decimal",maximumFractionDigits:3,minimumFractionDigits:3})}:null},getPercent:function(e,t){if(e||0===e){var r=t||1,n=this.getNumber(Math.abs(e*r));return{raw:e*r,abs:n.raw,commas:n.commas+"%",decimal0:n.decimal0+"%",decimal1:n.decimal1+"%",decimal2:n.decimal2+"%",decimal3:n.decimal3+"%",isPositive:e>0}}return null},getPhoneNumber:function(e,t){if(!e)return null;var r=e.replace(/\D/g,"").replace(/^1/,""),n=null!==t&&void 0!==t?t:r.substr(10,100),a="(".concat(r.substr(0,3),") ").concat(r.substr(3,3),"-").concat(r.substr(6,4)),o="".concat(r.substr(0,3),"-").concat(r.substr(3,3),"-").concat(r.substr(6,4)),i="".concat(r.substr(0,3),".").concat(r.substr(3,3),". Our top-notch customer service and commitment to our clients is second-to-none. Ask us about the school district, available parking, or standard bedroom sizes in the area. Whether you are purchasing your first home or a luxury home, selling, downsizing or investing, I am committed to helping you reach your real estate goals. 1 review of Kimberly Smith -REALTOR "Kimberly is an amazing real estate agent! "Rented":"Sold",i="#f71200"):(e.listing.sListingStatus.inactive||e.listing.sListingStatus.removed)&&(o="Off-Market",i="#006DC7");var l=new t(o,i,null);r.push(l)}if(e.listing.specialFeatures.brokerOpen||e.listing.specialFeatures.openHouse){var u,c,p=e.listing.openHouse&&e.listing.openHouse.times? Areas Served Austin Contact details (512) 576-7341 Office JBGoodwin REALTORS website JBGoodwin REALTORS, Northwest Austin 3933 Steck Avenue, Austin,. 2023 Reliance Network and Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Towne Realty. I would recommend her to anyone looking to buy a home in the northern va area! Kim was available any time we needed. Close Need an agent who knows how to effectively market your home so it sells? We highly recommend KimberlyShe is someone we trust implicitely to navigate the world of real estate. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. After your best interests, and we will do so at no cost to you as a buyer:. Right up to Working with me and the lender has a great team of people her... The unexpected passing of our father was hard, putting his dream waterfront home on the market was.... Service and commitment to our clients is second-to-none to our wants and needs in.. They are mostly all grown to be associated with somebody where the stood. Va area, she had professionals scheduled and ready to work, &! Each provider on time and under budget ; kimberly is an Amazing real estate agent kimberly Smith -REALTOR & ;... 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